Uses of Class

Packages that use Element Data for the domain model (used for the wire).   

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String TransactionWrappedResponseMessage.getClientCookie()
          Client cookie (echoed back by the response).
 java.lang.String TransactionWrappedRequestMessage.getClientCookie()
          Client cookie (echoed back by the response).
 java.lang.String TransactionWrappedRequestMessage.getTransactionAuthorizationNumber()
          The transaction authorization number.
 java.lang.String TransactionWrappedResponseMessage.getUID()
          UID of this transaction.
 java.lang.String TransactionWrappedRequestMessage.getUID()
          UID of this transaction.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String BankAccountDetails.getAccountKey()
          The account key.
 java.lang.String BankAccountDetails.getAccountNumber()
          The account number.
 AccountType BankAccountDetails.getAccountType()
          The account type.
 java.lang.String BankAccountDetails.getBankId()
          The routing and transit number.
 java.lang.String BankAccountDetails.getBranchId()
          The branch id.
 AccountStatus BankAccountInfo.getStatus()
          The account status.
 java.lang.Boolean BankAccountInfo.getSupportsTransactionDetailOperations()
          Whether this account supports download of transaction details.
 java.lang.Boolean BankAccountInfo.getSupportsTransferFromOtherAccountOperations()
          Whether this account supports transfer operations from other accounts.
 java.lang.Boolean BankAccountInfo.getSupportsTransferToOtherAccountOperations()
          Whether this account supports transfer operations to other accounts.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String Payee.getAddress1()
          The address of the payee.
 java.lang.String Payee.getAddress2()
          The address of the payee.
 java.lang.String Payee.getAddress3()
          The address of the payee.
 java.lang.Double TransferInfo.getAmount()
          The amount.
 java.lang.Double Transaction.getAmount()
          The transaction amount.
 double BalanceInfo.getAmount()
          The amount.
 java.util.Date BalanceInfo.getAsOfDate()
          The as-of date.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getCheckNumber()
          The check number.
 java.lang.String Payee.getCity()
          The city of the payee.
 StatusCode Status.getCode()
          Status code.
 java.lang.String Currency.getCode()
          The currency code.
 CorrectionAction Transaction.getCorrectionAction()
          The action to take on the corrected transaction.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getCorrectionId()
          The id of the transaction that this is correcting.
 java.lang.String Payee.getCountry()
          The country code for this payee.
 java.lang.String StatementResponse.getCurrencyCode()
          The currency code.
 java.util.Date TransferStatus.getDate()
          The date of the event.
 java.util.Date Transaction.getDateAvailable()
          The date the funds are available.
 java.util.Date Transaction.getDateInitiated()
          The date the transaction was initiated.
 java.util.Date Transaction.getDatePosted()
          The date the transaction was posted.
 java.lang.String BalanceRecord.getDescription()
          Description of the balance.
 java.util.Date TransferInfo.getDue()
          The due date.
 java.util.Date TransactionList.getEnd()
          The end date.
 java.util.Date StatementRange.getEnd()
          The end of the statement range.
 TransferStatusEvent TransferStatus.getEvent()
          The event.
 java.lang.Float Currency.getExchangeRate()
          The exchange rate.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getId()
          The transaction id (server-assigned).
 java.lang.Boolean StatementRange.getIncludeTransactions()
          Whether to include transactions.
 java.lang.String StatementResponse.getMarketingInfo()
          Marketing information.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getMemo()
 java.lang.String Status.getMessage()
          Server-supplied message.
 java.lang.String Payee.getName()
          The name of the payee.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getName()
          The name (description) or the transaction.
 java.lang.String BalanceRecord.getName()
          Name of the balance.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getPayeeId()
          The payee id.
 java.lang.String Payee.getPhone()
          The phone number.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getReferenceNumber()
          The reference number.
 Status.Severity Status.getSeverity()
          The severity.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getStandardIndustrialCode()
          The standard industrial code.
 java.util.Date TransactionList.getStart()
          The start date.
 java.util.Date StatementRange.getStart()
          The start of the statement range.
 java.lang.String Payee.getState()
          The state of this payee.
 java.lang.String Transaction.getTempId()
          The server-assigned temporary id for client-initiated transactions.
 java.util.Date BalanceRecord.getTimestamp()
          Timestamp of the balance.
 TransactionType Transaction.getTransactionType()
          The transaction type.
 BalanceRecord.Type BalanceRecord.getType()
          Type of the balance.
 java.lang.String BalanceRecord.getValue()
          The value of the balance.
 java.lang.String Payee.getZip()
          The postal code of this payee.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String CreditCardAccountDetails.getAccountKey()
          The account key.
 java.lang.String CreditCardAccountDetails.getAccountNumber()
          The account number.
 AccountStatus CreditCardAccountInfo.getStatus()
          The account status.
 java.lang.Boolean CreditCardAccountInfo.getSupportsTransactionDetailOperations()
          Whether this account supports download of transaction details.
 java.lang.Boolean CreditCardAccountInfo.getSupportsTransferFromOtherAccountOperations()
          Whether this account supports transfer operations from other accounts.
 java.lang.Boolean CreditCardAccountInfo.getSupportsTransferToOtherAccountOperations()
          Whether this account supports transfer operations to other accounts.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String SignonInfo.getAdditionalCredientialsLabel1()
          Label for a set of additional credentials that the user must supply.
 java.lang.String SignonInfo.getAdditionalCredientialsLabel2()
          Label for a set of additional credentials that the user must supply.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getAddress1()
          The address of the financial institution.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getAddress2()
          The address of the financial institution.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getAddress3()
          The address of the financial institution.
 java.lang.String SignonInfo.getAuthTokenInfoURL()
          The URL for the auth token information.
 java.lang.String SignonInfo.getAuthTokenLabel()
          The label of the auth token.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getAuthTokenRequiredForFirstSignon()
          Whether an auth token is required for the sign-on.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getChangePasswordFirstRequired()
          Whether the server requires the user to change their password as part of their first signon.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getChangePasswordSupported()
          Whether the server can process a password change request for this realm.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getCity()
          The city of the financial institution.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getClientUIDRequired()
          Whether a client UID is required for teh sign-on.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getCountry()
          The country code for this financial institution.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getCustomerServicePhone()
          The phone number to customer service.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getEmail()
          The email for this FI
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getFax()
          The fax number.
 java.lang.Boolean CoreMessageSetInfo.getFileBasedErrorRecoverySupport()
          Whether there exists support for resposne-file based error recovery.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getFinancialInstitutionName()
          The name of the financial institution.
 java.lang.String CoreMessageSetInfo.getLanguage()
          The language.
 java.lang.Integer SignonInfo.getMaxPasswordCharacters()
          The maximum number of password characters.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getMfaChallengeRequiredForFirstSignon()
          Whether an MFA challenge request is required for the first sign-on into this realm.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getMfaSupported()
          Whether MFA is supported.
 java.lang.Integer SignonInfo.getMinPasswordCharacters()
          The minimum number of password characters.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getPasswordCaseSensitive()
          Whether the password is case-sensitive.
 CharacterType SignonInfo.getPasswordCharacterType()
          The type of password characters supported.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getPasswordSpacesAllowed()
          Whether spaces are allowed in the password.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonInfo.getPasswordSpecialCharsAllowed()
          Whether special characters are allowed in the password.
 java.util.Date ProfileRequest.getProfileLastUpdated()
          The date the profile was last updated.
 java.lang.String SignonInfo.getRealm()
          The name of the sign-on realm.
 java.lang.String CoreMessageSetInfo.getRealm()
          The sign-on realm.
 ClientRoutingCapability ProfileRequest.getRoutingCapability()
          The client routing capability.
 ApplicationSecurity CoreMessageSetInfo.getSecurity()
          The application-level security required for this message set.
 java.lang.String CoreMessageSetInfo.getServiceProviderName()
          The name of the service provider (sometimes the message set processing is outsourced).
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getSiteURL()
          URL for the financial institution.
 java.lang.Boolean CoreMessageSetInfo.getSslRequired()
          Whether transport-level security is required for this message set.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getState()
          The state of this financial institution.
 SynchronizationCapability CoreMessageSetInfo.getSyncCapability()
          The synchronization capability for this message set.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getTechnicalSupportPhone()
          The phone number to tech support.
 java.util.Date ProfileResponse.getTimestamp()
          The timestamp of this profile update.
 java.lang.String CoreMessageSetInfo.getUrl()
          The URL at which the message set is processed.
 java.lang.String CoreMessageSetInfo.getVersion()
          Version of the message set.
 java.lang.String ProfileResponse.getZip()
          The postal code of this financial institution.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with annotations of type Element
 java.lang.String SignonResponse.getAccessKey()
          The access key that the client should return in the next sign-on requuest.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getAccessKey()
          The access key.
 java.util.Date SignonResponse.getAccountLastUpdated()
          The date/time that the user's account information was updated.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getAdditionalCredentials1()
          Any additional credentials.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getAdditionalCredentials2()
          Any additional credentials.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getApplicationId()
          The application id.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getApplicationVersion()
          The application version.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getAuthToken()
          The authentication token.
 java.util.Date PasswordChangeResponse.getChangeTimestamp()
          The timestamp of the password change.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getClientUID()
          The client-supplied UID.
 java.lang.Boolean SignonRequest.getGenerateUserKey()
          Whether to request the server to generate a user key.
 java.lang.String FinancialInstitution.getId()
          Financial institution id.
 java.lang.String SignonResponse.getLanguage()
          The three-letter langauge code.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getLanguage()
          The three-letter langauge code.
 java.lang.String PasswordChangeRequest.getNewPassword()
          The new password.
 java.lang.String FinancialInstitution.getOrganization()
          The organization.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getPassword()
          The password.
 java.util.Date SignonResponse.getProfileLastUpdated()
          The date/time that the FI profile was last updated.
 java.lang.String SignonResponse.getSessionId()
          The session id for the client.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getSessionId()
          The server-supplied session id.
 java.util.Date SignonResponse.getTimestamp()
          The timestamp of this response.
 java.util.Date SignonRequest.getTimestamp()
          The date and time of the request.
 java.lang.String PasswordChangeResponse.getUserId()
          The id of the user changing password.
 java.lang.String PasswordChangeRequest.getUserId()
          The id of the user changing password.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getUserId()
          The user id.
 java.lang.String SignonResponse.getUserKey()
          The userkey that can be used instead of the username/password.
 java.lang.String SignonRequest.getUserKey()
          The user key provided by the server so as not to require further username/password authentication.
 java.util.Date SignonResponse.getUserKeyExpiration()
          The date/time of the expiration of the user key.

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